Laser facial rejuvenation

Facial laser treatment for rejuvenation

As a rule, female representatives resort to the procedure of facial rejuvenation. This is because it is the most vulnerable to the biological aging process. It is this part of the body that plays a primary role in women's lives. Her desire to always look young drives her to search for effective ways to counteract natural changes in appearance. The currently most effective and reliable method is laser facial rejuvenation. Next, we will analyze in detail what the principle of the technique is, and at the same time find out whether there are any contraindications.

The principle of operation of laser rejuvenation

The radical method of getting rid of age spots and wrinkles is the effect of high temperatures on the skin of facial tissues. This is done using a special laser that burns the top layer of the epidermis with its rays. Thanks to this procedure, aged cells give way to new, younger ones. Skin renewal also helps get rid of many serious dermatological diseases: from acne on the face to demodicosis.

An important point is that the procedure must be carried out under the supervision of a professional doctor in any case. Only a specialist can determine the optimal temperature load for a specific skin type. Stimulating the regeneration processes in the cells of the facial tissue should be gentle and gradual. Despite the fact that the course of treatment is carried out at large intervals, its effect is felt almost immediately. After each visit to the beauty salon, it is necessary to use healing creams so that there is no skin irritation. After completing the entire course, only a few preventive measures can be used in the future to consolidate the result.

Types of laser rejuvenation

Depending on the recommendation of the beautician, various effects are used for rejuvenation:

  1. Fractional taper is the most delicate technique of all. It has a direct effect on the skin. Due to this method of eliminating defects, the damage will be minimal. All traces disappear after a few days. Because with the heterogeneous development of facial tissue cells, only problem areas are treated. In other areas, the skin may not need to use a point laser. Anesthesia is not required. In addition, this method also allows you to affect thin tissues in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes or neck. The activation of regenerative processes quickly helps to soothe these areas of the skin.
  2. Biorevitalization is characterized by promoting the production of collagen protein. The latter is directly responsible for the elasticity of the connective tissue of the skin. The innovative technique also uses laser pulses to remove the age layer of the skin. And so that the young epidermis is clean and fresh, a nutrient composition is applied to selected areas of the face. Its beneficial microelements penetrate deeply and temporarily accelerate the rejuvenating effect. Thus, without surgery, a woman can get rid of age wrinkles in the shortest possible time.
  3. In contrast to the short pulses of the previous method, long laser beams are used in non-ablative irradiation. A similar technique is used only as a last resort, since the entire surface of the face is treated. That is, the client must have serious reasons for the doctor to recommend this technique. For example, skin damage from chemical burns. In this case, drastic measures are required to remove deep scars.
  4. Laser resurfacing is good because it can even be done at home. A gentle technique involves the use of a sapphire (erbium) laser, which is extremely gentle on facial tissue. With the help of devices, you can eliminate minor wrinkles and crow's feet, and also correct the contour of the face.
  5. Photorejuvenation means the complex application of all the above methods. This procedure is recommended for women who have passed the age of 45. Here it is extremely important to consult an experienced cosmetologist.
Facial skin rejuvenation with laser technology


Subject to the competent scheduling of the course and compliance with the measure, complications rarely arise. Side effects of laser rejuvenation include a noticeable reddening of the treated skin, the appearance of a characteristic itching, and increased susceptibility of the skin to herpetic infections. Structural changes in the skin such as burns, scarring or hyperpigmentation are extremely rare. While some skin types are extremely sensitive to laser exposure, complications can be permanent.

Laser rejuvenation is a rather serious human intervention in natural processes, so you need to be prepared for various consequences. In order to avoid great stress, the following categories of citizens should refrain from laser rejuvenation surgery:

  • Pregnant or lactating women;
  • Suffering from various blood diseases (e. g. thrombosis);
  • mentally unbalanced;
  • cancer patients;
  • suffering from diabetes;
  • Subject to pressure drops;
  • suffering from disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • minors and the elderly;
  • allergy sufferers.

According to unofficial data, laser rejuvenation causes some harm in the vast majority of patients. In addition to the complications already mentioned (whether swelling, itching or herpes), the procedure is accompanied by UV intolerance, migraine outbreaks. Some patients have difficulty with anesthesia. Nevertheless, doctors do everything they can to initiate regeneration processes and minimize the risk of damage to facial tissue. Special preparations are designed to disinfect the skin and create all the conditions for the appearance of a clean epidermal layer.

Wrinkles can be effectively eliminated with laser treatment

user ratings

As expected, the opinions of the customers of the laser cabinet were divided into two camps. If some can boast of their renewed skin in front of their friends, others insist on deceiving their decision. Let's look at some examples of reviews:

  • "Wrinkles have been appearing on the lips and corners of the eyes for some time. A friend recommended laser facial rejuvenation. A few painful sensations after the procedure were fully justified by the excellent result. After lifting the facial tissues again, the wrinkles began to disappear. In order to consolidate the effect, I am planning a third visit. In addition, each subsequent operation is a little easier.
  • "At 46, wrinkles are completely unnecessary. I was so upset by her appearance that I decided to have non-ablative skin rejuvenation. To be honest, the effect was frightening at first: for the first few days, the face was purple and the skin peeled off. But then the swelling went down, and the wrinkles became wrinkles. The complexion gradually became natural. In general I am satisfied with the result. "
  • Before and after the laser rejuvenation procedure - a significant reduction in wrinkles
  • "After reading rave reviews about rejuvenation on the forums, I decided to try it myself. But she quickly regretted her decision. This is some kind of horror! After this laser all my eyes are swollen and the regenerant doesn't help the redness at all. It just tightens the skin even more. Everything bakes and itches. I am terribly worried about the end result, but I already know for sure that I will never use the services of these doctors again. It's hardly worth it. . . "
  • "All my friends have been to laser rejuvenation. I also decided to experience the "sharp" sensations and signed up for laser resurfacing. It seems to have minimal effects on any skin type. It didn't hurt me, my skin was practically not itchy, but honestly I seeNeither did the result. In my opinion, everything is as it was and will remain. It's probably too early for me to complain about wrinkles at 28. But now I know what it is.

From this it can be concluded that laser facial rejuvenation is a rather difficult way to correct the appearance. This procedure should only be used as a last resort. It is better to use alternative skin treatments if they are gentler.